Reigning Phoenix
Jenna S. Nuth

Founder of Reigning Phoenix & Mother of Mares, Nuth has grown up around horses and has been trailering since the days of having her learner’s permit. Not only has she structured and run multiple horse-back riding summer camps that both the children, as well as the volunteer camp counselors, have loved returning to, but Nuth is also planning to offer clinic & coaching opportunities in the future involving natural horsemanship, bareback & free riding, as well as Jumpers. While the typical Hunter/Jumper/Equitation world is much of Nuth’s experience both in competition and coaching, she continues to undertake training and enjoying other disciplines and adventures including eventing, fox hunting, trails & obstacles, beach riding, and whatever opportunity arises (mounted archery and endurance races are next on her list).

Nuth has competed in the National Capital Equitation League (NCEL), the Inter-School Horse Show Series (ISHS), the Interscholastic Equestrian Association (IEA), the Black-Eyed Susan Horse Show Series (BEST), and the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) for lower-level show leagues (competed up to 3’6” Jumpers) up through college, and she has also had her personal horses been invited to compete in the Thoroughbred Alliance Show Series and the Colonial Classic Horse Show.
While Nuth is aspiring to be more active in USEF and USHJA competitions in the future, as well as to attend more cross-country events, endurance races, and fox hunting outings, she is quite satisfied and plenty busy balancing work as a software engineer, her life with friends and family, and her horses’ care & training.
With her experience as an everyday horse owner and rider for over a decade, Nuth is putting that wisdom into text and is currently working on final revisions for the Happy Horse Handbook guides. These guides are tailored to the everyday horse owners as well as horse riders in order to provide a first-stop reference for many questions across a variety of topics.
In addition to the Happy Horse Handbook guides, Nuth is also inspiring everyday equestrians to problem-solve, build, and create through Horse Mom Hacks with barn hacks, DIY projects, and equestrian product reviews. Nuth also works to better represent bareback and tackless riding as Bareback Rider USA (Facebook & Instagram & YouTube), alongside promoting different equestrian activities such as glow nights, mounted games, mounted archery, and jousting.